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Discover Gratitude Journaling: Benefits and Tips

Imagine waking up each day with a feeling of warmth and calm. This is what happened to Sarah, a busy mother of two. She struggled with stress and felt overwhelmed by her daily tasks.

Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery

Ever feel lost or stuck in a rut? Maybe you’re in a job you don’t love, or struggling in relationships. Self-discovery can be the key to unlocking a happier, more fulfilling life.

How to Cultivate JOMO: A Practical Guide to achieving Disconnected Joy

Imagine scrolling through social media, bombarded by friends' weekend adventures and colleagues' accomplishments. A nagging feeling creeps in – are you missing out on something better?

How to Deal with Intrusive Thoughts

Have you ever found yourself in a mental tug-of-war with a thought that won’t let go? It could be a bizarre image, a disturbing concept, or a worry that seems entirely out of character.

Journaling Prompts to Overcome Workplace Jealousy

Imagine your colleague getting a promotion. Jealousy hits you, leaving you feeling down and questioning your worth. We’ve all been there. Studies show that over 70% of working professionals experience envy towards colleagues at some point [Source: Get Marlee, Jealousy at Work].

Journalling Prompts for Anxiety

Imagine waking up each day with a heavy feeling in your chest, unsure of why you feel worried. This is common for those with anxiety.