Sound Therapy for Learning and Pain


Sound therapy is a holistic healing modality that uses sound to address learning difficulties, chronic pain, and other health issues. It is based on the belief that sound can resonate with the body’s natural frequencies and help to restore balance and harmony.

Sound therapy has emerged as a powerful tool for promoting holistic well-being. This article explores the efficacy of sound therapy in addressing learning difficulties and chronic pain and providing solace during challenging times.

Expert insights and firsthand narratives highlight the significance of sound therapy as a modality that can be integrated into daily routines to enhance mood and physical well-being.

In this article, we explore how Kimberley’s journey with sound therapy unfolded for her family health concerns. The article also provides practical tips and guidance for incorporating sound therapy into daily life.

Sound Therapy

Share your techniques and frequencies used for your daughter’s learning difficulties.

In the fifth year of my daughter’s primary education, it became increasingly evident and concerning that she was facing learning difficulties. She was performing academically two years behind her peers. In our pursuit of a solution, we had already implemented sound therapy a year prior, incorporating the tranquil tones of Tibetan singing bowls during her bedtime routine.

The purpose of this therapy was to promote relaxation of her mind, facilitating a profound sense of calmness while simultaneously stimulating both hemispheres of her brain. The effects were remarkable, as they aided in regulating her thoughts and revitalizing her mind-body connection, equipping her with the necessary resilience to confront her learning challenges.

It is essential to emphasize that after engaging in a thirty-minute sound therapy session nightly, she experienced reduced anxiety and frustration regarding her learning style and the demands of her school day. This therapy induced a state of tranquility, guiding her toward a deep and restorative sleep. Consequently, she woke up the following morning rejuvenated and prepared for the academic demands ahead, allowing her to focus, approach her studies deliberately, and maintain a positive mindset, regardless of the outcomes she encountered throughout the day.

In our pursuit of self-healing, we consistently engaged in thorough, sound therapy daily. As a result, my daughter effectively alleviated the tension and stresses that had accumulated from her feelings of underachievement.

After a year of continuous sound therapy, my daughter experienced noticeable improvements in her concentration and a reduction in anxiety related to her learning difficulties. This therapeutic approach also helped boost her self-esteem and gave her the energy and resilience to overcome educational challenges. Furthermore, it instilled a sense of organization and structure in her daily life, making sound therapy an integral part of her routine.

In the morning, we utilized specific frequencies such as gamma waves (40Hz), beta waves (12.5-30Hz), and 528Hz to target the neurons in the hippocampus, thereby enhancing memory development. These frequencies were played for approximately ten to fifteen minutes before school. As a result, her problem-solving abilities, decision-making skills, and analytical thinking noticeably improved. Consistent use of sound therapy over time also enhanced her overall intelligence and long- and short-term memory.

After school, we utilized Alpha waves in the range of 7.5 - 12.5hz at a loud volume in our home to aid in her physical and mental relaxation and reduce her stress levels following the school day.

During her bedtime session, we employed Delta waves ranging from 0.5 to 4hz and Theta waves ranging from 4 to 8hz. These specific frequencies were selected to enhance and strengthen her brainwaves, fostering better focus, memory, and concentration.

I found these frequencies to be a natural and highly effective tool in improving her cognitive function. Additionally, they had the added benefit of reducing cortisol, the stress hormone and promoting restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Fast forward seven years, and my daughter is now functioning at the expected level for her age group. She still incorporates sound therapy into her study and homework sessions and listens to it at bedtime.

Describe your experience with sound therapy for chronic pain management.

My encounter with sound therapy as an instrument of pain management has been nothing short of remarkable, significantly impacting my overall levels of pain. In the year 2012, I was diagnosed with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, Secondary Fibromyalgia, and an extensive, pervasive chronic pain condition.

In 2015, I began utilizing sound therapy as an alternative form of natural medicine. The catalyst for exploring this avenue was twofold: my adverse allergic reaction to NSAID medication and a deepening curiosity about holistic approaches to health and healing.

Approximately eight years ago, I experienced an acute exacerbation of my pain symptoms, enduring three weeks of unprecedented suffering. This torment encompassed every facet of my existence, including sleep deprivation, loss of appetite, and a noticeable decline in body mass. Despite my best efforts to mitigate the symptoms through conventional means, such as medication, my endeavors fell frustratingly short.

Even after consulting multiple physicians and undergoing numerous hospital visits, my torment persisted unabated. However, amid my second week of anguish, I reminisced about sound therapy and pondered its potential efficacy in alleviating my condition.

Motivated by this recollection, I decided to indulge in a rife frequency, recognizing tremors as my most tormenting symptom and the most taxing on both my mental and physical faculties. With devout dedication, I engaged in two daily sessions, one in the morning and another in the evening, each lasting a comprehensive fifteen minutes.

These sessions transpired through headphones, playing the selected frequency directly into my ears. After each session, I diligently consumed a full liter of water, nurturing my body and aiding in cleansing.

Admittedly, this particular experience with sound therapy as a tool for pain management not only fascinated me with its potential but also provided genuine relief from the debilitating symptoms I incessantly grappled with.

Specifically, I have found immense relief and respite from acute and debilitating pain through the utilization of rife frequencies. These frequencies, operating at low electromagnetic levels reminiscent of radio waves, can provide instant pain relief after a single session. Sound therapy promotes overall health and well-being by harnessing the power of these electromagnetic waves.

To further enhance my sound therapy journey, I frequently rely on a healing sounds app that offers an extensive array of sound therapy options and frequencies. This invaluable resource presents many opportunities to fine-tune my treatment, ensuring that I optimize its potential benefits.

A notable instance where sound therapy was pivotal in my well-being occurred in January 2023, following reconstructive thumb surgery. I began experiencing pain in my nerves and hands upon returning from the theater. In response, I swiftly inserted my headphones and immersed myself in a carefully selected set of frequencies until I felt a tangible improvement in my pain levels. Additionally, I incorporated the soothing tones of 432hz to reduce cortisol levels and alleviate the accompanying anxiety that often accompanies the healing process.

Overall, my continued commitment to sound therapy has proven to be an instrumental component in managing pain, diminishing anxiety, and fostering a sense of overall wellness. By embracing this holistic approach, I have embraced a remarkable tool that complements and augments my journey toward optimal health.

How did your mother initially react to sound therapy during her cancer battle?

Notwithstanding the unfortunate prognosis delivered to my mother, revealing that she had a mere three months to live due to the rapid spread and advanced stage three of her cancer, her primary desire was to spend her final moments at home, enveloped in the comforting presence of her family and experiencing minimal pain.

Initiating a discussion regarding pain management and the potential utilization of sound therapy as a means to alleviate her discomfort, I broached the subject with my mother, who expressed openness to exploring this alternative approach during periods of heightened pain.

Consequently, during the late hours of the evening, when my mother found respite from her sleep elusive due to unabating pain, we commenced employing sound therapy. Witnessing a remarkably swift and positive response in both her mental and physical state, my gratified mother earnestly implored me to procure a sound therapy recording extending over several hours. Through headphones, she could recline and submerge herself into a state of profound relaxation, facilitating the elusive arrival of peaceful slumber.

In her final days, my mother frequently summoned me to her side, inquiring about sound therapy’s capacity to alleviate her debilitative pain. She requested adjustments to the volume, tailored to her preferences, and insisted that the therapeutic sounds be played aloud within the sanctuary of her room.

I observed that the implementation of sound therapy proved to be beneficial in helping my mother cope with her overwhelming emotions of fear regarding her current situation and prognosis.

Especially in the last few days, when she could not effectively communicate, I noticed that activating the therapy brought her a sense of relaxation and comfort. During one of these sessions, as I sat by her side listening closely, she uttered her final words to me: “You are my very compassionate child.”

Explain how sound therapy was introduced to your grandmother for chronic pain.

During my grandmother’s ongoing treatment for her chronic pain conditions, namely osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis, I had been contemplating the potential benefits of incorporating sound therapy alongside her regular massage sessions. Recognizing that touch and auditory stimulation can have a powerful impact on our senses, I approached my grandmother and her masseuse with my proposal.

After gaining their consent, I embarked on a search for an appropriate sound therapy technique specifically targeting pain relief. My research led me to discover isochronic tones utilizing delta and sub-delta waves within the frequency range of 0.50Hz to 2.5Hz, known for their efficacy in addressing various chronic pain-related afflictions.

Halfway through my grandmother’s forty-minute massage, I introduced the sound therapy element. Carefully adjusting the volume to a comfortable level for my grandmother, I allowed the frequent composition to permeate the therapy room for twenty minutes. To our surprise, this new addition provided her mind with a welcome sense of release and tranquility. At the same time, her body was being tended to through the skilled application of diverse massage techniques.

This successful integration of massage therapy with sound therapy illuminated the potential for a holistic approach to pain management, wherein multiple senses are engaged simultaneously. Encouraged by the positive outcome, our journey towards finding a comprehensive pain relief strategy continues, with the hope of enhancing my grandmother’s well-being and quality of life.

Tell us about observed changes in your grandmother’s mood and physical state post-sound therapy.

During a period when my grandmother was experiencing an uncontrollable pain flare-up, which persisted for approximately three days, I decided to assist her in finding relief. On the third day, just before bedtime, she struggled to relax and find a comfortable position. Then, I decided to employ a Dr. Royal Rife frequency of 10,000hz, coupled with a 20hz pure-digital tuning fork, for fifteen minutes.

Remarkably, within a mere five minutes of listening to the frequencies, I noticed a notable reduction in my grandmother’s tension and anxiety. This positive response continued to improve, and after ten minutes of exposure, she exclaimed, “What is happening?”

At that point, she stood up and stretched her body, which she could not do before the frequency was listened to.

Another family member was aware of the pain and noticed she looked much more calm/relaxed; she said, “I’m not too sure whether the pain subsided, but calmed her down.”

In summary, the parameters of this intervention involved utilizing a Dr. Royal Rife frequency of 10,000hz in conjunction with a 20hz pure-digital tuning fork. The purpose was to alleviate my grandmother’s pain and discomfort, which had persisted for three days. The outcome was encouraging, as significant relief was observed quickly.

Could you share practical tips for incorporating sound therapy into daily routines?

Here are some practical tips to incorporate sound therapy into your daily routines:

1. Begin with a small amount of time and gradually increase it as you become more accustomed to sound therapy.

2. Nighttime sound therapy sessions can be a great starting point. You will notice a positive difference upon awakening when you are most relaxed and your brain is receptive to engagement.

3. Start with two weekly sessions and then gradually add more per your preference.

4. Take the time to research and understand the specific purpose of the sound therapy you are using.

5. Try adding another sensory enhancer such as massage therapy or tapping for touch, incense or aromatherapy for smell, walking or pacing for movement, stretching for balance, and visualization of a positive outcome for sight.

Incorporating sound therapy into your daily routines can be a beneficial practice. Starting with shorter sessions and gradually increasing the duration will allow you to adjust to this new experience. Nighttime sessions, when you are in a relaxed state, can enhance the positive effects of sound therapy.

Experiment with the frequency of sessions, beginning twice a week, and then adjust according to your preference. Finally, it is vital to understand the purpose and benefits of the specific sound therapy you are utilizing.

Are there any specific medical references supporting the effectiveness of sound therapy?

According to the Bible verse 1 Samuel 16:23, it is evident that sound therapy has been used for healing purposes for many years. The scripture states, “And it came to pass when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took a harp, and played with his hand: So Saul was refreshed and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.”

Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine in 2016 supports the integration of sound therapy into mainstream medical applications. This further emphasizes sound therapy’s effectiveness and growing acceptance in the medical field.

To conclude, holistic nursing practice is the international science of health and healing.

Christine E. Lynn (May 2004) (pg:111-118) says, “Vibroacoustic therapy is a new sound technology that uses audible sound vibrations to reduce symptoms, invoke relaxation, and alleviate stress. This technology is developed based on the recognition that external vibration can influence body function. Research demonstrates the effectiveness of vibrocoustic therapy. Implications for nurses include investigating the possibilities of vibroacoustic therapy in various nursing settings to promote patient well-being and improve the therapeutic environment.”

It is fascinating to discover the historical roots of sound therapy, as demonstrated in the Bible, where it was used to alleviate Saul’s affliction. Furthermore, contemporary research highlights the increasing recognition of sound therapy as a legitimate medical practice.

In my experience with sound therapy, I believe personalized therapy should be widely used in clinical practices; there is a growing interest in personalized sound therapy, where individuals can create customized soundscapes to address their specific needs.

Additionally, binaural beats, which induce relaxation and improve focus, can be used in school settings and special educational needs schools to facilitate children’s learning and focus.

Finally, I think that rife frequencies would be a compliment to nursing homes and the elderly community, helping them to manage pain and relieve stress associated with it.

Practical advice for readers interested in exploring sound therapy?

  1. Research and Educate Yourself: Learn about sound therapy’s different techniques and approaches. Understand how sound vibrations can affect our physical and mental well-being.

  2. Find a Qualified Practitioner: Look for certified sound therapists or practitioners with proper training and experience. They can guide you through the process and provide personalized sessions.

  3. Experiment with Different Modalities: Explore various sound therapy modalities, such as binaural beats, sound baths, singing bowl therapy, or guided sound meditations. See which ones resonate with you the most.

  4. Create a Relaxing Environment: Create a comfortable and quiet space to immerse yourself in the sound therapy experience fully. Dim the lights, use essential oils, or light candles to enhance relaxation.

  5. Listen Mindfully: When engaging in sound therapy, be present and fully attentive to the sounds. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and let the vibrations wash over you.

  6. Incorporate Sound in Daily Life: Apart from formal sound therapy sessions, you can incorporate soothing sounds into your daily routine. Listen to calming music and nature sounds, or use sound machines for relaxation.

Sound therapy can be a powerful tool for relaxation and well-being, but it’s always important to listen to your body and consult with professionals if needed. Enjoy your sound therapy journey!


Sound therapy holds immense potential to enhance cognitive functions and overall well-being. By incorporating specific frequencies into daily routines, individuals can experience significant improvements in memory, relaxation, and concentration, leading to better academic performance and quality of life.

Personalized approaches to sound therapy are gaining traction, tailoring soundscapes to individual needs for enhanced effectiveness. The application of binaural beats in educational settings and rife frequencies in nursing homes opens new avenues for enhancing focus and managing pain in diverse populations. Embracing sound therapy as a mindful practice can foster relaxation and well-being, marking a transformative journey toward optimal health.

About the Author

Kimberley Richards, a seasoned Chronic Pain Life Coach based in Birmingham, England, brings over seven years of expertise in self-help, daily routines, life coaching, daily motivation, and transformative practices.

Kimberly Richards

As a dedicated advocate for mental well-being, Kimberley empowers individuals by utilizing her emotional intelligence, breathwork, change management, and mindfulness meditation skills. Her commitment to addressing anxiety, low moods, and stress is reflected in her hybrid coaching approach, fostering positive change in the lives of her clients.

With a rich professional background, Kimberley served as a Promotional Director at Juvenile FM in London, where she excelled in radio advertising, promotions, programming, and network control. Her freelance role showcased her abilities in growing followers, interviewing new DJs, and advertising shows.

Kimberley’s educational journey includes a CACHE Level 3 Diploma in home-based childcare and early childhood education, complemented by certifications in mindfulness meditation, mental health first aid, coaching, and more. Her diverse skill set and passion for helping others define Kimberley as a valuable voice in the mental health space. .

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