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Ego vs Esteem : Building Healthy Relationships and Nurturing Personal Growth

A young lady approached Picasso in a restaurant and asked him if she could keep the napkin he’d been doodling on. Picasso said it would cost her 40 000 francs.

Thirty Three Percent

Imagine this investment scenario: You’re given $100 at the start of the day. The catch is that you must spend $33 of it without expecting any tangible returns.

Psyche of Psychologist

What do you consider the most inexpensive thing? Anything that is of no worth, and there could be many, you’d argue. But what if we were to pick just one?

Expect Less, Accept More

It was in mid-2015 when Manish stepped into his 40s, doing reasonably well by all standards. Privileged upbringing, quality education, fat paycheck, sweet home, and a loving family in Chattarpur, Delhi.

Tales from Tihar

It was in the early nineties when Kiran Bedi took over the reins of Tihar. She put together a team of psychiatrists and psychologists for violence management.

Don't Stress, Stress : A Therapist's Perspective

Two young women used to travel together on the train to their college, and during the hour-long journey, they would chat about anything and everything. One evening, on the way back home, one seemed down, and the other sensed it immediately.