9 Relationship Management Advice from Experts


Our existence is a complex interplay of various relationships, not just with other people but also with ourselves, our environment, nature, art, ideas, beliefs, and concepts. According to Freud’s theory of psychosexual development, a person’s behavior is shaped by their experiences during the phallic stage of development (between the ages of 3 to 5 years), both positive and negative, which continue to influence their behavior throughout their life.

For example, if someone grows up in an environment where manipulation is standard, they are more likely to practice it themselves. Similarly, if a person has witnessed jealousy in the behavior of adults around them, they may also exhibit jealousy in their relationships. This pattern is generally observed, with a few exceptions.

Therefore, the quality of our relationships with others reflects the quality of our relationship with ourselves. This raises the question of whether we can change our behavior and improve the quality of our existence. Can we alter our chemistry and cultivate more positive relationships with ourselves and others?

Similar to our journaling approach, we sought expert advice on relationship management for this edition. Through our consultations, we discovered that by keeping certain critical aspects in mind, we could prevent relationship mishaps and maintain healthy connections with others.

relationship management

Let’s hear the expert advice:

“The nature of relationships between individuals can take various forms depending on the context. For example, it can be the intimacy shared between a parent and child, the sensuality between romantic partners, the mutual respect between colleagues, the camaraderie between friends, and so on. These relationships are built on intense emotions and require a deep understanding of the emotions involved to experience them fully.

The first and foremost way to build and nurture a relationship is to show up and be available for the other person. As relationships involve two individuals, resistance or absence from one party can hinder the relationship’s growth.

Secondly, clear communication is vital. It’s essential to express your boundaries, needs, and expectations explicitly. Unspoken expectations can harm the relationship.

Thirdly, meeting your partner where they are is crucial. Disagreements may arise, but it’s possible to disagree while respecting each other’s differences and maintaining the relationship.

A relationship is not a shackle but rather a road that can make your journey through life an enjoyable experience. It forms the foundation of your lived experience and your worldview. The more you value your relationships and act accordingly, the more they will reward you.”

- Tanusree Mustafi

“In today’s hyper-connected world, managing individual relationships has become increasingly complex. According to the experts we consulted for this edition, a positive relationship typically involves trust, respect, awareness, good communication, and shared experiences. While some relationships form naturally, in other cases, it can be helpful to share vulnerable experiences to build a deeper connection.

It’s not the amount of time spent with someone that determines the strength of a relationship, but rather the sense of safety that both individuals feel with each other. If a relationship is based on hierarchy or control, it is likely superficial and lacks genuine connection.

To cultivate a truly authentic relationship, trust and reliability are crucial. When both individuals can relax and trust that things are being taken care of, they can more easily and abundantly express their love for each other.”

- Vinay Nair

“Avoiding an overly controlling approach to managing relationships. According to these experts, trying to manage a relationship can increase the likelihood of it becoming compromised, potentially leading to disappointment or heartbreak.

Instead, the focus should be on enjoying the relationship and engaging in open communication with the other person without sacrificing one’s personality or character. This requires a willingness to be understanding and accepting of the other person, including their flaws. As one expert said, “Be a little more understanding than the other and accept the person with his/her flaws.”

In other words, maintaining healthy relationships requires a delicate balance between being true to oneself and being open and empathetic to the other person’s needs and perspectives. By approaching relationships with this mindset, it is possible to cultivate authentic, fulfilling, and lasting connections.”

- Priti Thakkar

“Effective communication is essential in any relationship, and active listening is critical. Active listening is the ability to listen without judgment, and it requires a significant amount of effort and practice. It is challenging to listen without reacting emotionally to what is being said to us, but it is essential to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

One effective way to approach active listening is to take a third-person approach to our situation. By doing so, we can detach ourselves emotionally from the conversation and listen from a neutral standpoint. This approach helps us to focus on what the other person is saying and understand their perspective better.

It is essential to avoid mind-reading in any relationship. Making assumptions about the other person’s thoughts and feelings will lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Furthermore, asking questions and trying to understand what the person is experiencing is crucial. Active listening and avoiding mind-reading are crucial in any relationship. By listening without judgment and asking questions to better understand the other person’s perspective, we can avoid misunderstandings and conflicts and build healthier relationships.”

- Tina Mistry

“A successful relationship requires both partners to clearly understand each other’s expectations, goals, and plans. In addition, it’s crucial to have open and honest communication to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in the future. This means we must actively discuss, dwell, and dig into these important aspects of our lives.

When we take the time to understand our partner’s expectations, we can make a conscious effort to meet them. This will foster a stronger sense of trust and respect within the relationship. Additionally, by discussing our goals and plans, we can ensure that we are moving in the same direction and working towards a shared vision for the future. However, it’s equally important to avoid hiding anything from our partners. This can lead to trust issues that can cause rifts within the relationship. Instead, we should strive to be transparent and honest with each other, even if it means having difficult conversations.

In summary, open and honest communication is the key to building and maintaining a healthy relationship. By understanding each other’s expectations, goals, and plans, we can work together to build a strong foundation of trust and respect. So let’s consciously avoid hiding anything from our partners and prioritize transparent communication.”

- Neha Kaushik

“When it comes to effective relationship management, a crucial aspect is to give ample time and space to the other person. Recognizing that each individual is distinct and possesses distinct qualities and strengths is critical. By providing breathing space and time to the other person, we can foster a sense of respect and appreciation for their unique qualities.

Refraining from imposing changes upon the person is essential, as this can lead to strained relationships. Instead, we should embrace and accept individuals for who they are, recognizing that everyone has something valuable to offer. By creating an environment of acceptance and understanding, we can develop solid and healthy relationships based on mutual respect and trust.”

- Aakansha Sharma

“To effectively nurture any relationship, it is essential to understand and cater to each other’s love language. This means being attentive to how your partner prefers to receive and express affection, whether through words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, or receiving gifts. Learning and tending to each other’s love language can deepen the connection and strengthen your bond.

In addition, it is equally important to actively listen to your partner and be mindful of your own communication. A good rule of thumb is to listen twice as much as you speak, as this can foster mutual understanding and respect. It is also essential to address conflicts in a timely and constructive manner. For example, resolving disagreements before bed is better than letting them fester. Furthermore, taking responsibility for your actions and apologizing when necessary demonstrates humility and a willingness to work through challenges together. By following these principles, you can cultivate a healthy and fulfilling relationship with your partner.”

- Rachel Gregory

“Maintaining healthy relationships requires continuous effort and attention, particularly in the era of social media and the internet. The constant inundation of information and the proliferation of digital communication can harm the quality of our relationships. To counteract this, it is essential to prioritize face-to-face interactions and meaningful connections with our loved ones.

Date-like activities are a way to nurture relationships. Disrupting technology during these moments is crucial to devote our attention to our partners. This means setting aside phones, laptops, and other devices to ensure the focus remains on each other.

By intentionally carving out time for each other and minimizing distractions, we can deepen our relationships and create lasting connections. It is essential to recognize that relationships require ongoing care and effort and that prioritizing quality time and attention is crucial to their longevity and success.”

- Sharon Uthappa

“Effective communication is an essential component of successful relationship management. When both partners can express their thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, it can significantly enhance the quality of their relationship.

To cultivate strong communication in a relationship, it is essential to prioritize active listening and empathy. This means consciously understanding your partner’s perspective and validating their emotions, even if you disagree. In addition, creating a safe space for open and honest communication allows both partners to feel heard and valued.

Recognizing that individuals have unique traits, qualities, and personalities is also essential. In a relationship, expecting your partner to change to fit your preferences or expectations is not realistic or fair. Instead, accepting your partner for who they are is essential while working together to find common ground and compromise.

Couples can build trust and respect by prioritizing open communication and acceptance, leading to greater overall satisfaction and happiness.”

- Abia Hashmi

That’s all in this edition.

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