How to Manage Burnout : Strategies for a Healthier Work-Life Balance


In the bustling city of Dramatown, Sam was a man with big dreams. Ever since he first laid eyes on the gleaming new computers that had just arrived in town, he had always been ambitious. He knew that he wanted to be a part of the future that those machines represented, and he worked tirelessly to make that happen.

Sam was so driven that he often worked 12-hour days, sometimes more. He poured all his energy into his job, determined to make a name for himself in the industry. But no matter how hard he worked, he felt he needed to do more.

One day, Sam’s wife Samantha noticed he seemed more agitated than usual. “What’s wrong, dear?” she asked.

“I’m just so tired, Samantha,” Sam replied, his voice strained. “I feel like I’m running on fumes all the time. And I can’t seem to make any headway at work, no matter how much effort I put in.”

Samantha put a comforting hand on Sam’s shoulder. “Maybe you need to take a break, Sam. You’ve been working so hard lately. It’s okay to take a step back and recharge.”

Sam shook his head. “I can’t do that, Samantha. I need to keep pushing myself. I have to be the best if I want to succeed.”


Days turned into weeks, and Sam’s exhaustion only grew worse. He snapped at Samantha over small things, unable to control his temper. One evening, after a particularly long day at work, he came home and lashed out at her.

“Why can’t you just leave me alone, Samantha? I’m sick of you nagging me all the time!”

His outburst took Samantha aback. “I’m sorry, Sam. I just want to help you.”

“I don’t need your help,” Sam spat. “I can handle things on my own.”

Samantha watched in dismay as Sam stormed out of the house. She knew something was seriously wrong but didn’t know how to help him.

As the weeks wore on, Sam’s exhaustion turned into burnout. He found himself unable to concentrate at work, his mind foggy and his body aching. He started drinking more, and his temper flared at the slightest provocation. Unable to cope with his burnout, Sam turned to other women, seeking solace in their arms.

One evening, Sam came home late and drunk. Samantha was waiting for him, worried sick about where he had been. When he saw her, he started yelling, blaming her for his problems.

“I work so hard, and what do I get in return?” he slurred, his words slurring together. “All I get is this nagging wife who is too busy doing her kitty parties.”

Samantha was hurt, but she knew it was the alcohol talking. “Sam, please stop. You’re not thinking straight. At least think about our children.” she pleaded.

But Sam wouldn’t listen. He stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him. Samantha sat on the couch, tears streaming down her face. She knew she couldn’t take much more of this.

Days turned into weeks, and Sam’s behavior only got worse. He stopped coming home altogether, and when he did, he was always drunk. Samantha tried to talk to him, but he was unresponsive.

She found a note on the kitchen counter. It was from Sam, telling her he had moved out and found someone else. Samantha was devastated. She tried to make things work, but Sam had given up.

burnout broken heart

Heartbroken and alone, Samantha decided to take matters into her own hands. She concocted a plan to deal with Sam’s newfound love interest. Her deception and conspiracy worked like a charm, and Sam was left alone.

With his marriage over, lady love departed, job in distress, his life was in shambles, Sam hit rock bottom. Looking back, Sam realized he had been chasing his dreams for all the wrong reasons. He had been seeking external validation and success to fill a void within himself. Now, he understood that true happiness and fulfillment came from within.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Sam started working on a project that he was genuinely passionate about. He took the time to rest and recharge when he needed to, and he prioritized his well-being.

Years later, Sam looked back on his journey with gratitude. He had learned that success wasn’t about achieving external goals or accumulating wealth and status. It was about finding meaning and purpose in life and living in a way aligned with his values.

burnout story

Sam knew that he would never forget his lessons, and he felt grateful for the second chance he had been given to create a life that genuinely fulfilled him.


In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, burnout has become an increasingly prevalent concern for individuals across various professions and walks of life. The exhaustion and mental strain associated with burnout can significantly affect well-being and productivity. Recognizing the importance of addressing this issue, we have sought the expertise of professionals in the mental health field to provide valuable insights and advice on managing burnout effectively.

This article will explore these expert perspectives and delve deeper into practical approaches for managing burnout. By understanding the significance of self-care, finding a balance between different states of mind, and implementing necessary organizational changes, individuals can use the tools to prevent and navigate burnout successfully. Join us as we uncover these experts' invaluable advice and gain a comprehensive understanding of managing burnout in today’s demanding world.

Expert Advice

“One of the most critical aspects of managing burn-out is self-awareness. This means regularly checking in on one’s mental and physical health and energy. When someone recognizes that they are on a downward slide, they must do an honest assessment to determine what gives and takes energy in their professional and personal lives.

It is a time to focus on life-enhancing activities that feed their body and soul. This often involves spending time in nature and simplifying my commitments. Suppose the flame of life energy continues to diminish.

In that case, it can be beneficial to have an honest conversation with their work supervisor to let them know what is happening and brainstorm ways to build resilience.”

Robin Higgins

“I have always tried to ensure I get the time for Self-care for myself and my colleagues. When I can, I like to get a regular massage, get pedicures, etc., and take the time for walks in nature. Whether at the beach or in a nature reserve with lots of greenery. When I returned from a locum position, I spent time gardening to release the stress.

I meditate almost daily and regularly meet with a group of ladies for lunches and other outings.

  1. Lots and lots of self-care.

  2. Learn to slow down and appreciate what you have.

  3. Take care of yourself; then, you can care for others.

  4. Do what you love, and it won’t be a chore.

  5. Give back what you can, when you can. Even if it’s just a helping hand.

  6. Appreciate others, a thank you, and a smile can go a long way 💗

P.S. Just a side note.

Prevention is better than cure. So manage it before it becomes a problem ❤.”

Chris Hemsworth

“Managing burnout is an increasingly necessary skill set for professionals. Especially as we now live in a time of colliding environmental, social, political, and existential threats.

There are a good many tools in an anti-burnout toolkit. I won’t mention them all; others have contributed to this subject with sensitivity and thorough research.

However, a key point of cultivating awareness is understanding how we function in two distinct states of mind. And cultivate a daily practice of balancing the activity and functioning of both states.

As researchers Teasdale and Williams describe, these two distinct states of mind are ‘doing’ mode and ‘being mode.’

Doing mode corresponds to the mental activity corresponding to goal-driven, complex problem-solving. It’s a mode we frequently reside in at work and involves a neurochemical balancing act of adrenalin, dopamine feedback, and cortisol uptick. It’s the necessary cocktail of brain chemistry for sustained effortful problem-solving.

And it’s a finite state that requires rest periods and a return to homeostasis before the state is available for optimal activation.

That’s where the second state is implicated - being mode. It also involves a necessary human activity - primarily found in human to human secure relating and attaching. It is also found in activities such as meditation, which involves brain activation and is also implicated in bonding. It will involve downregulating the fight-flight response - related to what Steven Purges calls the Ventral vagal response. It will also involve a discrete set of neurochemistry, such as the release of oxytocin.

Think now of the possibility of this mode as the brakes to a car - without which we continue to drive, expending fuel and depleting reserves.

This dance between regular phases of doing and being mode makes up a sustainable rhythm that supports us through our working lives.

Where there is a predominance of doing mode - what do we see?!


How to navigate this - time to find what brings you into being - what downregulates and connects. It’s not an optional extra - it’s basic sustainable psychological functioning.

Time to find your bliss….”

John Butters

I know that symptoms of burnout can sometimes be mistaken as PTSD, and those two conditions overlap with workplace bullying symptoms if we look at occupational psychology. Burnout and bullying produce stress but are unrelated to a threat to one’s integrity.

Sexual harassment in the workplace can involve the complexity of symptoms overlapping with PTSD and burnout. I guess organizations need to have strong policies top-down that burnout needs to be prevented by ensuring that no one is confronted with excessive work demands.

No one should be exploited or threatened with adverse consequences if they report up the line that work demands are excessive or someone’s behavior is intimidating or involves boundary violations. Assertiveness training would be necessary for the affected person, and positive organizational culture change would be equally necessary.

In our Australian government departments, from my experience, there are strong policies against racial discrimination. Having policies is one thing, but implementing those policies is another.

Joseph Poznanski

“There are several approaches in addressing the issue of ‘burn-out.’ I have 2 suggestions in particular:

  1. Self-Care: Physical, mental & spiritual well-being. Among several recommendations here; are adequate exercise, rest/sleep, meditation, & setting healthy boundaries with friends, clients & colleagues.

  2. Following your heart-knowing, esp. Acting on whatever interests or excites you the most at any given moment, as consistently as possible, without attachment to an inevitable outcome.

These recommendations are expanded upon in many of Bashar’s sharings at or his videos on YouTube and in my 1st book, ‘Breathe, Feel, Heal, Awaken.’ I hope this helps!”

Phillip Mitchell


The insights provided by mental health professionals shed light on effective strategies for managing burnout in today’s demanding world. Self-awareness emerges as a critical aspect, involving regular check-ins on mental and physical health.

burnout remedy

Recognizing the signs of burnout allows individuals to assess the factors that give and take energy in their personal and professional lives. Engaging in life-enhancing activities like spending time in nature and simplifying commitments can help replenish energy levels and build resilience.

Understanding the interplay between two distinct states of mind, “doing” and “being” modes, is crucial for sustainable psychological functioning. Goal-driven problem-solving activates the “doing” mode but requires regular rest periods and a return to homeostasis. Balancing this with the “being” mode, characterized by secure relating and attaching, and activities like meditation, fosters a sustainable rhythm in one’s working life and helps prevent burnout.

In conclusion, managing burnout is a multifaceted endeavor that requires self-awareness, self-care, and a supportive organizational environment. Prioritizing prevention and addressing burnout is crucial before it becomes a significant problem. Let us take action and implement these valuable insights to create a healthier and more sustainable approach to work and life.

The 10X Rule Unveiled: Exploring Grant Cordone’s Approach to Success and Evidence-Based Alternatives

The Fallout of Toxic Leadership: A Story of Burnout and Redemption

Exploiting Opportunities or Exploiting Yourself? The Hidden Dangers of Burnout

The 10X vs. 0.1X Mindset: Balancing Growth and Sustainability for Success

Understanding Burnout: Causes, Symptoms, and Management Strategies

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